Don't Hold Back

by Missy Johnson

Do not miss out of reading what can only be described a stunning read. Yes, it is heart-breaking but it was also so inspiring that at time I almost forgot to breath.

I felt as if my emotions were being dragged over hot coals for much of the book but that the author was standing by with a cold compress to make sure that she could soothe the blisters!

I laughed and cried in equal measure and given the fact that the blurb make the outcome of the story obvious the one thing I never felt was sorry for Erin. Nope, she was more than that, she didn’t give me the impression that she either wanted or needed my sympathy, she had far too much left to both say and do and was more determined that I needed to pay attention to that rather than an impending end that she was perfectly well aware of.

The connection between Cade and Erin was strangely addictive, she had so much to give, a light and infectious outlook that meant that other that were lucky enough to be in her inner circle never had to worry about how she felt about them, she loved her friends without exception and wasn’t afraid to show it but she had plans for the time she had left and was willing to do exactly what she had to make sure that she got to live what she had left of her life her own way and that brought Cade into her life.

Ca a complicated character in some respects, he had g=his own issues to deal with and some of them seemed a little more dark and complicated than I wanted not only for him but also for Erin, I didn’t want anything to take the sparkle from her life but I so learnt to trust in Cade and the honesty and passion that he carried with him in his heart because it was almost boundless, his commitment to Erin and the bond that eth two of them forged as they spent their time together on their travels was beautiful to read, they brought out the best in each other and for me that made this not just good story, nope this was truly exceptional.

Emotionally touching, refreshingly honest and beautifully written this isn’t one to add to your TBR list…this is one that you need to read now!

Topic: Don't Hold Back by Missy Johnson

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