No Limits

by L P Dover


This may be a spin off series so to speak but it is every bit as balls to the wall as anything you will have read before by LP Dover, it takes no prisoners and without indulging in too many clichés it hits the ground running!

Jason Avery was in the previous book Camden’s Redemption but he is back and up to his eyes in mystery and intrigue, but he also has his back to the wall trying to solve a murder case in Vegas.

This confident, cocky agent needs nobody to hold his hand when he is either on or off the case but the FBI need results and are under the Illusion that two heads will get the job done quicker that one, so they send him some assistance, the beautiful FBI Agent Aylee McFadden.

Aylee takes no prisoners, she has a past that would have destroyed a weaker woman but this tough as nails female refuses to be beaten and to let the past define her. She thrives in a man’s world and hell will freeze over before she takes a back seat to this sexy alpha man, but she certainly was going to the view!

I was whooping with joy at this point because I knew that the sparks would be flying!!

The two of them set about solving the disappearance and murder of the escorts but they never anticipated having to find out what to do about the unavoidable obvious – the chemistry and attraction between the two of them.

The story twists and turns and just when you thing you have it nailed, the author gives you a cheeky nudge and point in the other direction, you only ever get the whole story when it is laid out piece by piece and then it is the inevitable WTF moment.

Honestly I could have kicked myself for not picking up on the clues earlier – and I was trying!