Passion and Ponies by Tara Sivec



This book follows hot on the heels of Love and Lists and is a venture into comedy gold! Slight more deranged than the first book but ever so slight more risqué and if it is possible, with a few more what the hell moments thrown in.

Passion and Ponies continues the story of Gavin and his friends but in this case the story revolves around the “Brony Boy” himself – the awesomely funny Tyler and his on/off girlfriend Ava – who seems more than a little confused by the whole situation which on occasion I have to admit, so did I – I had to double read some sections thinking that I had obviously missed something!

Not being one to understand the whole enthusiasm for My Little Pony, some of the reference was lost on me but that in itself was not enough to detract from the overall humour of the piece.

I like Tyler he was a real sweetheart, if a little on the dense side but I really through Ava was the star of the show. The conflict she had between doing what she wanted and what she thought she had too was a touch of reality in an otherwise manic world.

She loved her mother and was desperate for her mother’s approval only to fear asking for it.

When it comes to Tyler, there is something chemical between the pair of them that borders on deranged – to anyone sane she should have walked away but the connection is just to strong and eventually she comes to realise that Tyler means more to her than the casual sex.

The search for Tyler’s father was interesting to say the least and I have to admit I actually found the whole situation with his mother strange – his parents portrayal I think was destined to be humorous but in the scheme of things I found aspects of it a little distasteful – funny in some places but overboard in others.

Overall I liked the book, laughed in places and winced in others but that is not to say that I won’t read it again

Rating 4 out of 5