
by Faith Starr

Taking everything I thought about how great the first book in this series was, this on blew it out of the water!

Book two in the series, you don’t actually have to have read the first book but there are connecting factors so in my opinion it would be a good idea to give it a go, it’s a great read after all.

This centres on Derek and Emily and whilst Derek was a little bit of a Marmite character in the first book – not quite sure if I was going to either love or hate him, in this well, question answered…. I fell head over heels, he was fantastic.

I adored the way he adored Emily, the passion that he had and the way he was with her just spoke volumes towards to the man he really was. Emily was a shy girl to start with but once she found her flow I thought she really shone, and the two of them together was sensational.

I liked the fact that we got to catch up with Jordin and Noah but most of all I liked the fact that I got to see a romance in its truest form!!

Topic: Purity by Faith Starr

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