Where we Belong

by J Daniels


Five stars are not enough!

And believe me I could quite happy leave this review with that statement alone!

Ben and Mia are the probably two of the most delicious characters that you will ever read.

They are besotted with each other and they are living life to the full, well apart from one tiny issue… they just don’t seem to be able to get enough time together.

Life absorbs them, so much to do and not enough time to get it done but that is par for the course when you have a family. They have kids that are just so cute, Nolan is an absolute sweetheart and little Chase, and well he made my heart completely melt.

The book is almost an instruction manual on how to make the best of each other, while hiding it from the kids! And I couldn’t help but smile.

Ben and Mia have become masters at innuendo, sexual deception – and creative flirting and I found their connection absolutely enchanting!

They were able to cunningly keep their flame alight as they disguised their lust and need, working within the parental enclave that they occupy.

Read the other books first but do not miss this one!!