Love of a Rodeo Man by Bobby Hutchinson

Love of a Rodeo Man by Bobby Hutchinson


Life back at his parents ranch was not what he had imagined – struggling following the death of his brother and the departure of their grandchildren with their daughter in law back to her hometown meant that Mitch was back to help his folks out but staying for good– well that was a whole different prospect all together.

Life a successful rodeo star was all he knew and it was what he loved doing but when his father calls the vet to carry out routine blood work on his herd of pigs – Mitch gets the surprise of his life – because far from the usual vet turning up – he is mesmerised by the new member of the practise – Sara.

Determined to prove her worth in this small town – Sara takes to the Veterinary practise like a duck to water – standing firm and fighting the predominately male clientele. Farmers don’t like change or so she discovers, especially where their prize winning, money making animals are part of the equation.

 I liked Mitch, he had a passionate side to his nature that was difficult not to like – but he took life to heart and wanted to see the best even when it was difficult to distinguish. Although at times he was as stubborn as a mule – and I felt frustrated by his pig-headedness. Why did he feel that he had to shoulder the blame for everything?

Sara on the other hand was trying to find her way and forge her career – the way she felt for Mitch was all encompassing but taking it easy or slow didn’t seem to enter either of their vocabularies. The pace with which they throw themselves in to everything including their romance is staggering.

There are bumps and hiccups along the way but if ever there was a pair meant to be together it was these two!

Overall the story was just that a great little story – you knew from the start what you were getting, but the enjoyment comes from the quality of the writing and the narration of the tale – both of which were well done.

A new author to me but one that I would read again.

Rating 3.5 out of 5