
by MJ Fields

So, it is safe to say that these are characters that you have to get to know properly before you can even begin to tolerate them. I mean Juliana is in the first book of this series “Hammered” and she was as far from likeable as you could possibly get but I urge you to give her time because you may just get to see the real Juliana if you are patient!

She takes her time to let loose, all the horrors of her past and when I say horrors I only use that word because I don’t actually think I have a word that can adequately portray the sheer magnitude of depravity that she endured at the callous hands of her mother and step father. It was a continual barrage of abuse that was torturous and that shaped her soul, she buried her pain deep, she had little choice but when she met Garrett, it was as if she had her own personal guardian angel.

Garrett would scoff at the thought of being a hero but he was, his past like Juliana was far from idea, his abuse leaving a long-standing footprint on his soul too but he used that darkness to find a place in life that he felt he belonged in and it was there that he found the other half of his broken heart, he found Juliana.

From the outside, they may have looked like they were complete opposites but nothing could have been further from the truth but it took a lot of heartache and a very long time for them to understand that.

There are some harsh words and some very harsh decisions made by the pair of them and despite the inevitable separation that they put themselves through, there was never a time that they didn’t love each other. After all the heart knows what it wants.

I can’t say that I understood the life that Juliana had, but I can say that her suffering made me appreciate the life I have.

Garrett and Juliana will push your limits, they will test your boundaries and your sympathies but when you flip over to the last page, they will have left their mark and that in my opinion is the sign of a great book.

I spent ages thinking about how I wanted to wrap up this review and what I need to say is: Please give this pair a chance, they deserve that much!

Topic: Destroyed by MJ Fields

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