Colorado Fire by Sara York


So, while I was sort of Ok with the first book in the series or should I say the ideas behind the whole series, I wasn’t completely blow away, so this is the second bite at the cherry and I am holding on to the hope that this will give me more of the story I had been hanging out for.

This is a little more event orientated in my opinion than the first one, I got a bit more of the story that I had been hoping for.

There are still lots and lots of points of view and characters to get to grips with but at least I had a story to keep me on my toes, not just characters to blindside me.

There were lost more questions that crept up throughout the story and in some cases those remain unanswered but it all added to the mystery that surrounds the ranch and I have to say there were some aspects of the story that forced me to take a sharp intake of breath.

But what about the guys– well safe to say that they are all there in all their glory.

Grant has taken off trying to decipher what the heck is going on with Craig. I’m not sure whether he will get the answers he is looking for and what impact that might have on the underlying situation that appears to be bubbling between him and Roger- damn these guys are more complicated than I had imagined.

We have Marshall, who is hiding something which I am sure will come out in the next book but he is also hiding the way he feels about Zander – and that makes him one very hot but ever so complicated, confused man!

I liked the mystery and anticipation that their missions bring to the book, I appreciate the situation that they are in and the connection that they all have to each other but and unfortunately there is a but I am struggling with a the fact that these are military men ( I am ex- service) and as such have been in male dominated environments almost all of their working lives and yet some of them are only now coming to term with their sexuality… if you are gay or Bi or whatever you know, you will have always known. In this case I don’t think the uncertainty is positive, I personally don’t like that they are unsure and doubt their own feelings, I want them to be proud of the way they feel and stand tall.

For the most part for me I think that this was better than the first book, it kept my attention and made my anticipation levels soar, I liked the angst and uncertainty with regards to what Craig is up to and I like the fact that other characters are being included into the story.

Topic: Colorado Fire by Sara York

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