Taking Tessa

by Aria Cole


Hold your horses!!! There is getting up to speed with a storyline and then having it drag you along at breakneck speed – this took off like Usain Bolt and I was galloping along hanging on for dear life.

I know by the very definition that a short story is going to cam as much as it can but da*n Gage what the heck!

One minute he is sitting at his desk picking up the tail end of a 911 call and the next he has rescued the girl and she has moved it. There was no middle ground, no getting to know each other, nope it was a slam dunk and I was left reeling.

I liked the idea behind the story, I just think I would have loved to have read a bit more. If ever there is a candidate for conversion to full length story, then this was it because this an alpha male who seemed to be snipped off a little too early.

The book doesn’t take long have a look and you will see what I mean.

I’m not saying that I didn’t enjoy it, it was perfect for a coffee break read but I sort of got hooked and no sooner had that happened than it was over and despite the fact the epilogue (both of them) was great I fancied spending a little more time in their company.

Topic: Taking Tessa by Aria Cole

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